Lake Erie Confirmation Details
Reminders that will help to answer your important questions
The Badman, is moored at East Harbor State Park marina, which is located minutes east of Port Clinton, Ohio
Coolers to bring on your Lake Erie fishing charter
Charter boats have minimal amount of room for coolers. You have to consolidate what items you bring an a charter. Maxinum size cooler to bring is only one no larger then 100 quarts or 2 coolers under 50 qt. each. Smaller personal size coolers are ok, but if there are also larger coolers, you may be asked to consolidate or captain will choose which cooler(s) that be brought aboard.
Fishing license outlets
- Hi-Way Bait
7006 E. Harbor Rd.
- Wal Mart
E. Harbor Road (SR 163 1/4 mi. west of the
intersection ofSR 53 and SR 163
- There are some service stations and grocery stores that handle license sales.
- Or, you can purchcase 1 and 3 days licenses are your cell phones
A reminder before purchasing your fishing license. One day Ohio fishing licenses are available. Be sure you know where you will be fishing before any licenses are purchased for a multi-day trip. It's possible to fish Canadian waters one or two days in this situation
IMPORTANT: Be aware we may fish Canadian waters at times. If fishing is better Ontario, we would likely go. Please do not purchase Ohio licenses until we have spoke.
If licenses are purchased in advanced, where there is no landing on Canadian soil, present boarder crossing rules allow us to fish Canadian waters without having to possess a passport.
A form of picture ID is all that is needed. Of course, if you have a passport or accepted document, please bring it along.
Anglers DO NOT have to possess an Ohio license if fish taken in Canadian waters, with a valid license, are returned back into Ohio.
Items to bring on your Lake Erie fishing charter
- Hats, Sunglasses, Sun screen & Lotions
- Lunch, Snacks & Beverages (No glass bottles or hard liquor permitted on board)
- Cooler To Take Home Catch
- Rain Gear & Suitable Clothing
- Motion sickness medication
- Camera
- Fishing license
- Tackle (if you have a favorite outfit, bring it along and use it on Lake Erie).
- There is plenty of available storage aboard the Badman. If you think you need it, bring it along! Particularly during cool weather periods, bring extra cloths and rain gear.
Ideal rods suitable for both walleye and Smallmouth Bass are 6 to 7 ft. M-MH action. Reels spooled with 6 to 10 lb. test. are ideal. Otherwise, the charter allows the use of their tackle at no extra cost). **In the event a rod and reel is lost by the individual overboard or damaged beyond repair by misuse, it is the clients responsibility to reimburse Badman Charters. **
The Badman, which is moored at West Harbor Marina, is located less then 10 minutes east of Port Clinton. The entrance road to the marina is located opposite the exit road of East Harbor State Park on SR 269.
Cancellations & Rescheduling
Sometime there's a need to reschedule or cancel. It doesn't happen often, but always check with Badman charters before the day of your trip.
Departure times and capacity
We recommend an early departure for more productive fishing. Our normal morning departure time is 6:00 - 7:30 a.m. Times can also be arranged on an individual basis. Plan to be at the boat at least an 20 minutes before departure. Charters can accommodate from 1 to 6 people.
Motion Sickness
If you or any individual is prone to motion sickness, it oftentimes helps for that person to begin taking their pills (Dramamine, Bonime, etc,) up to 24 hours in advance in order to get the medication into the system. If patches are used, follow the doctors instructions when taking.
Also as a precaution the evening before and the morning of the trip, refrain from alot of alcohol and greasy foods. Try and eat drier, more digestible foods.

At no time will any illegal drugs be allowed on The Badman. In the event of possession, discovery or use of these items, the fishing trip will be terminated immediately and all passengers will be taken back to dock . Use or possession of illegal drugs by individual(s) will require the trip to be paid in full for that day as a result of clients own decision to have illegal substances on board a zero tolerance vessel.